
Government needs to plan for resilient food systems in Australia

By Dr Rachel Carey Published on April 30, 2024 There is evidence that a growing number of Australians cannot afford to access enough nutritious food. Around eight per cent of Victorian adults were severely food insecure in 2022, meaning that they ran out of food at times and could not afford to buy more. This represents a 40 per cent increase in severe food insecurity in Victoria in two years.

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These maps tell us we need to cool our sweltering streets

By Dr Thami Croeser Published on April 29, 2024 We’ve just lived through the world’s hottest year on record, as well as the hottest decade on record. And yet, we keep building our cities out of materials that get incredibly hot during heatwaves – which also stay hot well into the night. For example, unshaded asphalt can reach temperatures of 75°C during a heatwave. Unshaded asphalt can reach 75°C during heatwaves, whereas shaded asphalt remains relatively cool.

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You might find a rare species in your backyard

By Dr Luis Mata Published on April 26, 2024 While it can be hard for us to notice as we go about our busy lives, cities are filled with indigenous plants, fungi, insects, spiders and other little creatures, as well as birds, frogs and reptiles Urban sprawl and population growth mean it is critical to understand what indigenous and introduced plants and animals live in Melbourne’s bush reserves and across public and private greenspace.

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This policy could make women’s super more vulnerable to financial abuse

By Professor Cathy Humphreys Published on April 24, 2024 Australian headlines reporting the violent deaths of women have become disturbingly common. It’s only April, and already at least 24 Australian women have been killed violently. For every woman murdered, there’s a ripple effect of fear that spreads across all women. Picture: Getty ImagesThe rural Victorian town of Ballarat became the focus of national attention after the deaths of three women, each alleged to have been murdered by a man.

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Healthcare has a waste problem, but we can achieve net zero

By Zoe Calulo Rivera Published on April 22, 2024 Healthcare is responsible for between four and five per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions; if it were a country, it would be the fifth largest emitter on the planet. Australia’s healthcare sector is one of the largest emitters per capita, with an estimated 35.8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions annually, equating to seven per cent of Australia’s total emissions.

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