
Are you a mosquito magnet? Here’s why and what you can do about it

By Dr Perran Stott-Ross Published on March 22, 2024 Mosquitoes are some of the most effective hunters on the planet. They can track you down at great distance by sniffing out the air you breathe. Once they find exposed skin, they use their needle-like proboscises to suck your blood. But you may not notice, because their saliva contains an anaesthetic to numb the pain. Mozzies can track you down at great distance by sniffing out the air you breathe.

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What remains of a performance when the curtain goes down?

By Arabella Frahn-Starkie Published on March 21, 2024 My journey to working with archives has been an unusual one. I followed my nose, pursuing interests as they unfolded in front of me, being intuitive rather than methodical. In this way archiving and curation came to me rather than the other way around. I initially completed a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Contemporary Dance) at the Victorian College of the Arts and worked as a freelance performer for several years.

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Is this the world’s coolest street? Or is the system rigged?

By Amelia Leavesley Published on March 20, 2024 The recent announcement that Melbourne has once again topped the international charts for being a cool place tells many locals what they already know. The High Street that connects the inner north suburbs of Northcote, Thornbury and Preston is a hub of vintage stores, bespoke cinemas, lasagne on speed dial and more live gigs than you can poke a stick at.

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What you need to know about new treatments for children with peanut allergies

By Dr Li Huang Published on March 19, 2024 For many people peanuts are a healthy snacking option, but for those people with an allergy, peanuts can be a serious, or even deadly, health risk. Interestingly, Australia has quite a high rate of peanut allergies. At one year of age, about three in 100 children are allergic to peanuts. For many people peanuts are a healthy snacking option. Picture: Getty ImagesAnd if you’re a parent of a child with peanut allergy – or any allergy for that matter – it can be incredibly stressful.

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Three ways to avoid mega projects going way over budget

By Kiri Parr Published on March 18, 2024 The headlines scream: Victoria’s ‘big build’ is facing huge budget blowouts. The road system known as North East Link is running AU$10 billion over original estimates; the West Gate Tunnel, first quoted at AU$5.5 billion, is now AU$10.2 billion and counting. And as for the city Metro Tunnel – the State Government will now have to find at least another AU$1.36 billion.

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